星期日 (Sundays)
我们是由来自霍巴特各个角落的基督徒组成的大家庭,每周日下午 4:30 在 5 Lefroy Street North Hobart 聚会。我们的聚会友好而轻松。每周日,我们都聚在一起唱赞美歌、读圣经、祷告还有一起听讲道。每周主要的讲道内容我们都会翻译成中文,提供给您。聚会的最后我们还会提供一顿晚餐,一起享用,这也是结交新朋友和练习英文不错的机会。
We are a family of believers from all corners of Hobart. We meet together every Sunday from 4.30pm at 5 Lefroy Street North Hobart.
Our services are friendly and relaxed. Each Sunday we sing, read the bible, pray and hear a talk. We can provide you with notes of our main talk translated into Chinese.
We finish the evening with a shared meal together. This is a great way to connect with other people and practice English.
这周里 (During the week)
We have small groups that meet regularly to study the bible and build friendships. This is a great opportunity to meet new people in your area.
We also have a regular small group that studies the bible in Chinese in case you need extra support.